The News of the Classics

Surprisingly, the wisdom of so many texts, which has over the centuries does not diminish today. Thus, Plato in the fifth century BC C. in his famous work "The Republic", he said: "We are the folly of allowing children to hear stories that anyone can invent their opinions and get ideas on generally the opposite of what we want, that they did not have when growing up? We can not afford it ... Everything that is the spirit of this age can weaken and immutable, and it is therefore extremely important that the hear stories, they are limited paradigm of virtuous thoughts.

What if he wrote the famous philosopher, when, as now, was a danger that the ideas, violence, pornography, etc.,. Entry into the minds of children through television, internet, mobile phones, etc.? Probably nothing changed in his speech as the essence of modern man is the same as the man who twenty-five centuries. Benedict XVI in his recent encyclical, "said Caritas in Veritate two prophetic words:" God revealed to man to man, together reason and faith, to have a good time, unless you want to display the natural law set, glow in the creative reason, you give size, but their misery, if unknown human moral truth. "It is interesting to penetrate deep into the secrets of this new and successful Encyclical.
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Freedom or liberty ?

Loretta Napoleoni in his book: The villain economy, quote: "As a faded reality (illusion manipulated by radio, television, newspapers ...) are the old values"
Studying, working hard, living by the rules of strong faith, or do not like offset, at least in the short term.
We live in a world of light, where nothing is a failure, but everything is distorted, the coffee is not caffeine, sugar, cola, you learn from playing and effortlessly ... Save a world that appeals to the seals from a horrible death, but they may be "legal" genocide happen to be born to people, because they have not suffered for Pascal (in some years there will be fewer children on this feature , the brown bear in Spain), the freedom and provides the means for an abortion, but not in a position to have this baby and raise it, no money for it .. .
A world in which the believer is crazy, so we need the (unobserved) the ideology of power, needs "to achieve the goal without effort, dass the rights and obligations for many years, the ultra-relativism of everything. But what is freedom?, and act in accordance with this choice, ie: Catholic and go to church, or 5 children are proud of them and pay for a trip without the usual signs of this snickers take-off to send our children to school achieve, because we have to study and religion, where these schools are often religious, crucifix in the classrooms (to want is a symbol of Christianity.) Is it inconsistent, or maybe it's not to say that our children dass attend schools where they teach, Christians, Jesus Christ was hanging where freedom, a crucifix?. Be consistent if we want an education without religion or crucifix to send children to a secular school, if we take our kids to religion to study, because we believe, or because we feel like, dass Catholicism and its values are good for them, we promote the right dass. There is room for everyone, right?
The very freedom, happiness, positive often from the effort and always a good fortune, would be to lift the base born happiness is a bad thing (you are not happy when he removed the equipment because a lot) suffer.
We must stop the slaves of fashion, ideologies, which claim whatsoever, our status as human beings in a manner fully consistent, friendly and free, so finding the truth. Read More..

Lake Matano

Lake Matano is located in the small town Sorowako, about 600 km southwest of Makassar, South Sulawesi. Arriving there, visitors will be greeted blue lake water, almost without a ripple. Lake water was so clear that the lake bottom is clearly visible. Anyone who saw it, seemed unable to resist the temptation to plunge into the water to enjoy the freshness and clarity of the water of this lake.

Enchantment of the lake is so tempting. Such a beautiful landscape and cool with lush forest on the edge of the lake. Not to mention the visitors can swim and soak in the surrounding Cat Island. So called because of the distant island at the edge of the lake was shaped cat.

Do rafting on the lake area of 16,408 hectares located approximately 600 meters above sea level is a tourist activity that most people do around, especially the employees of a company in the world's largest nickel PT. Inco, which was near that location.

For the community there, swimming or rafting is a routine activity. Lake water is clear and clean even considered more beautiful and interesting from the pool. Lately the news is even more beautiful lake spread, not just citizens Sorowako often swim in the lake is located in the region this Verbeek Mountains. Residents of several towns in South Sulawesi, started many come to enjoy the lake water remained clear, although there are around a thousand hectares of open land that is or former mined but not reclaimed.

In Lake Matano there are also many species of endemic flora and fauna which are still well maintained. Endemic flora and fauna are living creatures that were found only in one place and not found in other places. Studies Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) revealed that the lake ecosystem was not changed significantly since 1930 until now. Spring Lake Matano in the local language, Matano mean eyes (source) of water. Community believe that the spring water comes from Lake Matano Matano village. By residents, the fountain has been created so that a square wall-sized pool 8 x 12 meters. Water bubbles that kept popping up on the surface of the pond water, looks like life was born from the earth. Communities also use clean water from the pond to drink. Read More..


Enjoying the exotic island of Bulu Poloe. An island rich in coral reefs are still well maintained. The island is located in the youngest districts of South Sulawesi, East Luwu, approximately 367 kilometers from the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Makassar. To reach the island of bulu Poloe, each visitor can use a rental boat katinting, Katinting (name of sea transport) belonging to the local community, the City Malili, capital of East Luwu. Rent boat Rp 400 thousand a day.
From Malili, mileage to Island of bulu Poloe only 45 minutes. Of course with the river combing the area around the scenic Malili.

It's just to get there, visitors must bring food and drinks enough. The reason, in the island of bulu Poloe not exist at all resorts, cottages, and of course restaurants. Most visitors who come to this place only spent half a day.

History island of bulu poloe

Once there, Sawerigading, the king was about to sail into the land of China to visit his girlfriend, "We Cudai" For that he ordered his people to make a giant boat. People Luwu then find a suitable tree as a boat, and they found Aju Welenreng (Welenreng trees) in forests Cerekang, Malili.
The tree was then felled. When collapsed, the stem against a small island and break the existing hill on the island. You can imagine how big and tall trees are Welenreng. The island is bulu poloe. In local dialect, Bulu Poloe means "mountain broken" His name is just a legend, of course the story could be true either. To be sure, bulu Poloe is a beautiful island in the luwutimur. Stretch of white sandy beaches and coral reefs in the sea is very attractive. His charm to impress tourists who enjoy snorkeling and diving. Moreover, this island has fresh water resources. From the top of the hill we can enjoy the beautiful bay Bone. Read More..


Trans Studio Resort Makassar is an integrated tourism area in Makassar, Indonesia. Trans Studio built area of 12.7 hectares with investment of up to Rp 1 trillion. This project was completed in 2009 and will launching on 9 September 2009. Facilities built in between the shopping center that includes the Trans Trans Walk and Rodeo Drive, and Trans Studio, Trans hotels, and offices of Bank Mega. Trans Studio Building was built area of 22.000 m² with 20 meters high which is the largest indoor amusement park in the world.

Trans studio consists of central studio in which there are various vehicles such as: TransTV theater, studio tours, hollywood boom boom car, studio view, cinema 4D. Not only is the trans studio there is also a vehicle for another world, dragon tower, jet couster, etc.. To enter and use the vehicle on the Trans studio guests must have STUDIO PASS, which has a chip card so that visitors do not have to bother carrying cash. Read More..