The News of the Classics

Surprisingly, the wisdom of so many texts, which has over the centuries does not diminish today. Thus, Plato in the fifth century BC C. in his famous work "The Republic", he said: "We are the folly of allowing children to hear stories that anyone can invent their opinions and get ideas on generally the opposite of what we want, that they did not have when growing up? We can not afford it ... Everything that is the spirit of this age can weaken and immutable, and it is therefore extremely important that the hear stories, they are limited paradigm of virtuous thoughts.

What if he wrote the famous philosopher, when, as now, was a danger that the ideas, violence, pornography, etc.,. Entry into the minds of children through television, internet, mobile phones, etc.? Probably nothing changed in his speech as the essence of modern man is the same as the man who twenty-five centuries. Benedict XVI in his recent encyclical, "said Caritas in Veritate two prophetic words:" God revealed to man to man, together reason and faith, to have a good time, unless you want to display the natural law set, glow in the creative reason, you give size, but their misery, if unknown human moral truth. "It is interesting to penetrate deep into the secrets of this new and successful Encyclical.

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