Lake Matano

Lake Matano is located in the small town Sorowako, about 600 km southwest of Makassar, South Sulawesi. Arriving there, visitors will be greeted blue lake water, almost without a ripple. Lake water was so clear that the lake bottom is clearly visible. Anyone who saw it, seemed unable to resist the temptation to plunge into the water to enjoy the freshness and clarity of the water of this lake.

Enchantment of the lake is so tempting. Such a beautiful landscape and cool with lush forest on the edge of the lake. Not to mention the visitors can swim and soak in the surrounding Cat Island. So called because of the distant island at the edge of the lake was shaped cat.

Do rafting on the lake area of 16,408 hectares located approximately 600 meters above sea level is a tourist activity that most people do around, especially the employees of a company in the world's largest nickel PT. Inco, which was near that location.

For the community there, swimming or rafting is a routine activity. Lake water is clear and clean even considered more beautiful and interesting from the pool. Lately the news is even more beautiful lake spread, not just citizens Sorowako often swim in the lake is located in the region this Verbeek Mountains. Residents of several towns in South Sulawesi, started many come to enjoy the lake water remained clear, although there are around a thousand hectares of open land that is or former mined but not reclaimed.

In Lake Matano there are also many species of endemic flora and fauna which are still well maintained. Endemic flora and fauna are living creatures that were found only in one place and not found in other places. Studies Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) revealed that the lake ecosystem was not changed significantly since 1930 until now. Spring Lake Matano in the local language, Matano mean eyes (source) of water. Community believe that the spring water comes from Lake Matano Matano village. By residents, the fountain has been created so that a square wall-sized pool 8 x 12 meters. Water bubbles that kept popping up on the surface of the pond water, looks like life was born from the earth. Communities also use clean water from the pond to drink.

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