Enjoying the exotic island of Bulu Poloe. An island rich in coral reefs are still well maintained. The island is located in the youngest districts of South Sulawesi, East Luwu, approximately 367 kilometers from the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Makassar. To reach the island of bulu Poloe, each visitor can use a rental boat katinting, Katinting (name of sea transport) belonging to the local community, the City Malili, capital of East Luwu. Rent boat Rp 400 thousand a day.
From Malili, mileage to Island of bulu Poloe only 45 minutes. Of course with the river combing the area around the scenic Malili.

It's just to get there, visitors must bring food and drinks enough. The reason, in the island of bulu Poloe not exist at all resorts, cottages, and of course restaurants. Most visitors who come to this place only spent half a day.

History island of bulu poloe

Once there, Sawerigading, the king was about to sail into the land of China to visit his girlfriend, "We Cudai" For that he ordered his people to make a giant boat. People Luwu then find a suitable tree as a boat, and they found Aju Welenreng (Welenreng trees) in forests Cerekang, Malili.
The tree was then felled. When collapsed, the stem against a small island and break the existing hill on the island. You can imagine how big and tall trees are Welenreng. The island is bulu poloe. In local dialect, Bulu Poloe means "mountain broken" His name is just a legend, of course the story could be true either. To be sure, bulu Poloe is a beautiful island in the luwutimur. Stretch of white sandy beaches and coral reefs in the sea is very attractive. His charm to impress tourists who enjoy snorkeling and diving. Moreover, this island has fresh water resources. From the top of the hill we can enjoy the beautiful bay Bone.

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